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Westside of Canton
- Highway 18
- (5th Street)
N. Bridge Street
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Eastside of Canton
- Highway 18
- (5th Street)
The Battleground Site
August 17-18 2024
Click Here For More Info About This Year's Battle Re-enactments
The City of Canton, SD has a rich history of Civil War Veterans who homesteaded in Lincoln County. ln the cemeteries, located in the county, there are over 150 markers identifying Soldiers from all across the Union.
Over the past few years, the Sioux Valley News has featured dozens of stories about these men and their contribution to the war and to the establishment of communities in the County. From Brigadier Generals to enlisted individuals, from New York to Dakota Territory, soldiers looking to homestead, through the Land Grant Act found their way to the lush lands east of the Big Sioux River. In honor of these pioneers, the Canton Chamber of Commerce, the City of Canton and local historians have decided to host an inaugural Civil War Days event.
This event will take place on a site over 20 acres in size located on the western edge of Canton, SD adjacent to Bridge Road. The site features an open field for battle reenactment performed by reenactor groups based out of lowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. Additionally, there is about nine acres of woods that will be used by the troops for campsites. This is to be representative of armies on the march. Artillery camps and civilian reenactors will also portray their roles in designated areas. Spectators can expect to feel like they have been brought back in time as they walk through the camps, visit with soldiers, and are taught a living history. They will experience the sound of cannon fire as crews exercise their guns during the battle scenarios. There will be the smell of gunpowder in the air and the soldiers themselves will have their wool uniforms covered in smoke and sweat. Those in attendance will see marching formations, witness battle tactics and hear orders barked out by commanders as well as by drum and bugle.
If that is not enough, Canton is seeking for and intends to bring you a few extra speakers who are experts on various aspects of the Civil War era and the homesteading of Lincoln County. Updates will be provided via social media platforms as well our website as these speakers are secured. We have confirmation that Abolitionist—Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln will give a presentation involving the three documented meetings between these two. Descendants of Civil War Veterans buried at Forest Hill will tell their family stories and Civil War Surgeons will perform Civil War Medicinal Practices in the camps. Many of the speakers will be both days during this two-day event.
As the lead organization, the Canton South Dakota Chamber of Commerce intends to bring you a unique experience at a cost that is very affordable for the family. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance at the Canton South Dakota Chamber of Commerce.
Ticket Price: $15.00 per person. Children 12 y/o and under admitted free.
Click Here For More Info About This Year's Battle Re-enactments