Downtown Revitalization Grant

The Canton Chamber of Commerce offers matching grants to Canton business owners to improve and enhance local facilities, and develop a renewed and revitalized downtown business area. The matching grants will provide assistance to improve the condition of the community's chamber businesses. Street and alley clean-up, colorful banners, landscaping, and lighting all improve the physical image of Canton as a quality place to shop, work, walk, invest in, and live. Design improvements result in a reinvestment of public and private dollars to the area. Frequent visible changes in the look and activities of the businesses will reinforce the perception of positive change. Small, but dramatic, improvements early in the process will remind the community that the revitalization effort is underway.

Funds can only be used in the Canton City limits.

Canton business owners that are members of the Canton Chamber of Commerce.

CCCRG funds are only available to businesses in the eligible areas described above.
Eligible projects will receive dollar for dollar funding. Marketing costs and personal labor, (sweat equity,) is not a reimbursable expense.  

Grants may be used for exterior improvements that will significantly contribute to the revitalization or redevelopment of the business. These exterior improvements may include, but are not limited to, lighting, awnings, landscaping, demolition, painting and signage.

The maximum amount any applicant can apply for is based on the amount of funds available for that year up to $5,000.

Awardees will be reimbursed upon completion of the project. Receipts must be submitted to the grant coordinator for review and approval at which time 50% of eligible expenses will be reimbursed.

Business owners interested in applying for matching grants should complete a CCCDRG application.  The application cycle is open from February 18th to April 1st, 2025. Recipients will be announced on May 1st of each year and must be used by June 1st of the following year. Applications are rated on need, project impact, and local effort. The current chamber board of directors will review and decide whether or not to fund the project.

Click Here To Download Application

Canton Chamber of Commerce
Revitalization Grant
Lisa Hinker-Executive Director
600 W. 5th St. ,P.O. Box 34, Canton, SD 57013
Phone:  605-764-7864   or E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Revised February 2025